Friday, December 18, 2009

Hall about Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our blogging friends, and anyone else who happens to find this at all interesting.....
Since we are really busy right now, we are just going to send a Christmas greeting that you may find a bit interesting. You will be able to see what 60 years does to two people. The third party in the picture is not quite two and has the ability to keep these two oldsters happy!
We wish you all a blessed Christmas and a New Year full of happy surprises.
Our love.....Lee and Nancy

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dear 9 faithful followers....
Forgive me for not communicating sooner. Our life down here in paradise can get pretty busy. I did promise you the "Endless Soup" recipe, so will try to remember how I made it. Actually, it was a soup that I just made up one day when we had no canned soup. I threw together a can of black beans and a can of stewed tomatoes, some vegetable broth, garlic, and cumin. I topped it with some nice garlic butter croutons. The next day it needed something else, so I threw in some more tomatoes, more broth and some cilantro. By the third day, we needed some change so I put in a can of creamed corn and more black beans, cilantro, a small can of chopped green peppers and topped the soup with some corn chips. We had another day of the soup and I added a very ripe avocado, cilantro, and grated cheese over all. I know I have forgotten something, but just be adventuresome and do your own thing. Canned store soup is too expensive!
Before I show you an adorable photo (maybe a video if I can figure how to do it) of our Bella, plus a photo of some gourds (I painted in the eyes) that we bought at our church's Pumpkin patch, and a picture of our court yard. That's all, truly!
The next news I have for you, is that I am now a mentor for a young lady from Venice High School. I am working with a program originated with Big Brothers Big Sisters. The program is called "Decisions To Win" and it is to help young people graduate from high school. The students who choose to enter the program know that the way they are going there is no chance they will graduate. The Decisions To Win has a 98% success rate. So, I am pared up with Taylor who is a delightful young lady and we are committing to meet once a week for 16 weeks. I pray that God will guide me to be the right kind of encouragement to Taylor, and she will realize how unique she is.
Now I am going to try to send you a few photos of things that have blessed us.
Thank you for reading my ramblings. Keep in touch and God Bless you all.....Lee & Nancy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, here goes again! My apologies for getting your hopes up about our Blog.
I don't know what happened, but I lost it and couldn't find it. At my advanced
age and living in a Cyb er world is really a challenge. Why are we doing this? Hmm,
I guess we are silly enough to think that we still have something to offer.

Now, you are wondering what on earth do we have to offer. I guess the title says it all. yet, you will find a few bits and pieces that might make you laugh or even find interesting. We promise not to go on and on about our precious and brilliant dog, Bella. We are tempted to send a picture at times. We also will restrain ourselves from bragging about our 10 wonderful grandchildren, but you will be forced to see a photo of our beautiful great grandson, Cameron. Hopefully, I can figure out how to import a picture. (I'll save that for next time.)

Since this is our first try at this, I won't give you the wonderful recipe I made up last week. I call it "Endless Soup" and it is sooo good, plus uses stuff you have around the house. I know I have wet your appetite which will keep you on pins and needles until my next post. You know how much a like a good joke, but another promise: I will only send really good ones that you have never heard.

Just because I am typing this doesn't mean that Lee is not a part of our Blog. He is always right over my shoulder with comments and suggestions. With his Advertising background, he will not let me send this on with any typos or errors.

On that note, we will say good bye for now. May God bless you each day. Lee and Nancy